- Awards are conferred on those who have been engaged in educational work for thirty years. 给从教三十年的教工颁奖。
- He is engaged in making preparations for the conference on educational work. 他正忙于筹备教育工作会议。
- People are engaged in education from infancy on. 人们从幼时起就开始受教育。
- I hope that some of the major issues in educational work will be fully discussed at this conference. 我希望这次会议能够对教育工作中一些重大问题充分展开讨论。
- Is it wise to engage in active sports at your age? 我这样的年纪积极参加体育活动是否明智?
- I have no time to engage in gossip. 我无暇闲聊。
- Those who engage in mental work are also workers. 从事脑力劳动的人也是劳动者。
- Because of the decade of troubles generated by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four,so much ideological nonsense has been spread for so long that people have lost confidence in many cadres and teachers engaged in political and educational work. 由于林彪、“四人帮”的十年捣乱,思想战线上长期间充满了胡言乱语,以至人们对于从事政治教育工作的许多干部和教师失掉了信任。
- They engage in the study of music. 他们从事音乐研究。
- Macao residents shall have freedom to engage in education, academic research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural activities. 第三十七条澳门居民有从事教育、学术研究、文学艺术创作和其他文化活动的自由。
- To engage in(a trade or occupation); work at. 从事从事(某种商业和职业)工作
- Let's not engage in personalities. 我们别再进行人身攻击了吧
- The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment. 修建校舍的规划是在增加教育经费的前提下拟定的。
- This village needs more educational work. 这个村子需要加强教育工作。
- Little headway has been made in educational reform. 教育改革没有进展。
- I have no time to engage in the debate. 我没时间参加辩论。
- He has been doing educational work for 20 years. 他从事教育工作已有20年。
- Big cuts in education are very undesirable. 教育经费的大幅度削减是极不受欢迎的。
- The state encourages and assists creative endeavours conducive to the interests of the people made by citizens engaged in education,science,technology,literature,art and other cultural work. 国家对于从事教育、科学、技术、文学、艺术和其他文化事业的公民的有益于人民的创造性工作,给以鼓励和帮助。
- The two often engage in a battle of words. 他俩总是唇枪舌剑的。